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I entertain the kids and adults during the reception, shaking hands and showing the kids cool dance moves, e.g. Moon walking, some break dance and also robotics “if requested”, for which I am dressed up in my robotic costume. It really helps keep the kids occupied during this time and breaks the ice for when we all sit down to eat. I   sit at the table with the children to keep them entertained throughout the meal.


By this time the kids usually ask me "wow!! Were you the robot?" allowing me to create a good rapport with them. I also bring games and puzzles and  show  table tricks for them to enjoy, whilst keeping my eye open in case they get a bit too loud and wild!


Kids usually finish eating before everyone else, so during this time I take them to one side and teach them cool dance moves to keep them entertained and altogether in one place.


When the dancing starts, I get everyone going kids and adults. I get all the circles going at the right times, during any Israeli dancing and perform party dancing at the front for everyone to join in with. I like to stay on the dance floor and encourage the kids to join me, and dance along with my choreographed moves (and the adults usually all join in too!!).


If required I can also perform a 10 minute robotic show where I change into my  robot costume.


I bring my own music and liaise with the band or DJ on the night.  After a few minutes into my act my batteries run out and the Bat / Bar Mitzvah is called to wind me up. Upon copying some robotic moves, all the friends  join in too. I leave to change and then continue dancing for the rest of the night.


If I have the date free, I can be available to entertain at short notice, and due to my professionalism; I stay all night from start to finish.


Please call to discuss my entertainment in further detail. I can be very flexible with what I do. I usually set one fixed price for the whole night.